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Small Team that gets the job done!

We’re a very small team that has banded to gather to create an amazing game that’s focused on tournament play! With less people to pay we can focus on quality over quantity!



Our focus is on the development of DarkHex and ensuring that it meets the quality we want for a tournament based, competitive game!



With just two people working on the game we put our discipline to the test to create the upmost quality products out there!


The owner of Xyphien LLC, which is the company that creates DarkHex Dungeon. Xyphien is in charge of creature creation, printing, website development, updates, as well as all social media. Excluding Models, and Model Development, Xyphien does the rest.


Whenever DarkHex creates a new model it is up to HoroBunny to go through and add the model to the hex, ensure that the model is the right size, as well as add the QR Code to the bottom of the hex.